Funks that can be turned into positives

Hi all!

This post is later than normal. I have been stuck in my head the majority of the day. It is really frustrating when you receive negative thoughts and vibes and can’t seem to kick them. I am just lucky to have a positive support system in my family. Leading a healthy lifestyle really helps too because the lifestyle is what I end up with at the end of the day. If I have bad food, no exercise and a bad attitude then I spiral into negative land. So, even though I have been stuck in a rut… I do have positives that I try to remain focused on which allows my afternoon and evening to turn around.

“You can have a good day or a bad day… the choice is yours.”- My Mom

Since I was able to pout, get grumpy or have bad days… my mom would tell me this. It is like a repetition in my head. I tell my students this, and I will always know it is “my choice”. It allows empowerment for yourself to have choices and have control of something in this crazy world.

Yesterday, I had a successful run. I had more water and ate better! So, my body was not screaming as much. I am struggling with my shins and calves! I am going to experiment with different yoga poses to try and alleviate the issue. I think yoga and running are very good pairings. It has been awhile since I started running again, so I think I am ready to add in more balancing activities as well. That is my goal tonight! Yoga before and stretching after my run! Hopefully I see improvements 🙂

On our run it was like a wildlife exhibit! I loved it. We ran alongside a deer, saw a cat just hanging out in the woods, a dog sitting pretty AND…. two snails!! Yes, we had to stop and admire the snail moving s……l…..o….w….l….y across the path. Oh the little things that make running on a path that much more enjoyable!

Last night Mike made pork chops on the grill! Oh they were very tasty. We marinated them in basil olive oil, apple cider vinegar, sage, salt and pepper, garlic and onion. I think it could of even marinated all day and it would have been even better. But 4 hours seemed to do it justice.

Things that make me smile: (this color!!)

  • Student stories- when they come in with any type of excitement and share it with me on their own… that is huge.

  • Ellie- my dog, she is always so happy and snuggly, especially when she knows you need it!

  • Reading- it allows me to go on an adventure.

  • Creating a healthy meal- changing up a recipe, making a new snack or sweet treat allows me to make good choices and think of other things.

  • Blogging- just in the matter of time it has taken to type this post, I have a whole new smile! connecting and having my story out there is empowering for sure. 

  • Mantras- having a positive mantra to maintain in my head, allows me to push out the negative. It doesn’t happen the first time… but just like negative self-talk, if you tell yourself something long enough you will believe it! 

  • Mike/my family- having a partner in crime is always better!

  • Running- I am sure to be in a more positive mindset after running! –> I am really looking forward to it tonight!!

I hope that you are focusing on a positive in your day! 

What are your reasons to smile?

How do you get out of a funk?

What exercises do you pair together?

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